Runescape Skill Leveling and Easy Money Making Guide

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-08-01 15:26:54

This is a simple guide that will give a broad overview of skills and how to level them quickly or sufficiently balancing the spending and experience you receive per hour. This guide is for non members (f2p). This guide isn’t for lower levels and it is based on higher levelled skills but the basics are included in this guide too. Magic:wow goldMage is a great skill for combat from a distance, but levelling it can be a tedious process. There is no cheaper way to level it, but it does get easier once you reach level 43 and over. I don’t have a certain guide from bellow level 43 but I do recommend using non combat mage spells because they do tend to be cheaper. I have heard of people going to south of Falador, with fire runes and using the spell “fire strike” on a wizard of the same “rune”, in this case fire. This means, the wizard won’t take any damage from a spell of his own kind, this means you don’t have to keep an eye at your character unless there is a chance that you might die, but the wizard will stay alive as long as you use fire power levelingOnce you reach level 43, I highly recommend you use “super heat”. This is a spell that turns your ores into bars without going to a furnace. This is fast xp for both smithing and magic, it is cheap and reliable. Your next goal is level 55 mage, here, you can start alching, and you should always high alch or you might loose runescape money. Alching is the way to get to 99 mage, and it should take 3 months if you alch at least 4k of the item a day, and remember, it doesn’t matter the cost of the item, you will always get 65 mage xp from alching.

Runecrafting: This is a hard skill to level, in members or non members. For fast xp, you should start with air and keep using air till level 50. This is a lot of work, but it is the fastest way if you are walking. I recommend using a tiara and normal essence. Now, at level 50, you can make a bit of cash with crafting air runes, but I recommend going to the runecrafting guild, found in the wizard’s tower.ed hardy swimwearThere, you can participate in a mini game which will earn you tokens, you can spend the tokens on what ever you want, but if you want to keep levelling your runecrafting, buy as many teleporting tablets to the body alter as you can and then go to the grand exchange and buy rune essence. To find out how many essence you can craft with the tablets, you times the number of rune essence you can fit in your inventory by the number of tablets which.suction cupsNow you can just teleport to the body altar, craft the runes and then teleport to Varrock and head to the big bank, and repeat. You will loose money, but you will level fast. I am sure there are other ways, but this is just one of the many.

Mining: The fastest way to level mining is by power mining. Power mining is where you mine the iron ore and then drop it on the spot. Iron ore is the fastest xp you can get, at about 45k to 55k xp an hour. But, this is now impossible as it requires 3 ores to be in a v like shape, but that was taken away with the latest update. You can still mine the 3 ores in alkarad but you will have to walk.ed hardy clothingAnother way to mine is to mine coal in the mining guild, level 60 mining required, or 59 + stout. You can do a lot of things in the mine, one of them would be to mine mithril ore and coal ore then super heat and turn into bars, when you have a full inventory, bank and repeat. This is 8k less xp an hour then power mining iron.






:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 访问量: 122
  • 日志数: 7
  • 建立时间: 2009-08-01
  • 更新时间: 2009-08-01


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