
日志(9) 书签(3)

  • 三大主流企业邮件服务商对比

    JarodLee 发表于 2010-05-22 15:33:10

    现在虽然网络环境非常恶劣,大家几乎都在凭信念坚持着对自己网站的维护,黎明前的黑暗相信大家都能坚持过去的。 我只是凭借自己现在对网络的爱好,还在维护着这个小小的博客,由于同时是一个教师,就希望能让网站...

  • Using The Auction House | nba live 2010

    abor34510 发表于 2009-10-17 14:24:38

    There are multiple ways to create "cheap" gold at the auction house nba 2k10 but due to time i'm only going to share one way in this guide. Keep in mind that I will be adding more g...

  • brings some Hunter love | nba 2k10

    marko69018 发表于 2009-10-17 14:06:54

    New graphics are always cool. The time that traps will exist in the world after being put down has been reduced to 30 seconds, down from 1 minute. I'm not entirely buy wow gold sure how I fee...

  • Horde Outland Leveling Guide | buy wow gold

    marko69018 发表于 2009-10-13 12:09:44

    Leveling Guide FAQ Q. What if I’m level 62 or 65? How do I jump into the guide? Go to the page for that level and buy wow gold search for some quests in your quest log. When you find t...

  • Tier 9 Hunter Gear | wow gold

    marko69018 发表于 2009-08-12 21:51:56

    There it is my fellow hunters, what we will be wearing in just a few short months. I think this is the part where I should be jumping up and down praising Blizzard’s design team and envisioni...

  • office live 已经开始了测试~~

    JarodLee 发表于 2008-02-20 21:27:20

    在传出了微软对雅虎的收购要约后,微软这个软件巨人终于在网络化软件上继续加强发力了,本站在几个月前申请的office live站号已经通过了~~应该是规模较大的测试开始了吧。 很凑巧,因为我要检查一个在腾讯拍拍...

  • 微软开始提供网站全套服务,进入HOST市场。

    JarodLee 发表于 2007-12-16 14:49:03

    近来国际上最流行,竞争最有商业前景的网络应用应该就是google与live的在线办公系统了。今天看hotmail邮箱时,发现收到了微软的一个提供live host的邮件,内容如下:A professional Web presence is a powerful w...

  • 一些有意思的网络软件使用心得。

    JarodLee 发表于 2007-06-25 21:33:33


  • 微软向谷歌学习?推出了live搜索游戏??

    JarodLee 发表于 2007-06-16 18:55:37

      看来国外的技术交流并不像我们想的那么简单,google与微软是一对好朋友加对手呢,在google拥有图像标记游戏后,微软也为自己的live搜索制作了一款在线游戏:http://liveearthonmsn.com/ 试用一下微软的这个小...




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