The Windows Desktop

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-10-18 15:11:50

When your computer is booted up and ready to use, the screen you see is called the desktop. It is the background for all programs and contains the commands needed for accessing those programs. Desktops vary from one operating system (OS) to another, and even vary somewhatregistry cleanerfrom version to version of a particular OS.

Whatever type of OS you use, it is very important to learn how to use the desktop correctly, since it is the base for all computer operations. The best place to learn about your particular OS is with the user manual or tutorial included with your computer. In this lesson, we will look at the Windows desktop only, since Windows is one of the most common operating systems used today - particularlybest registry cleanerby students and educators. It would be impossible for me to fully cover each version of this OS; instead, I will try to give a basic overview of how the desktop looks and what it does.

This lesson is based on the Windows 98 desktop, so please understand that your own desktop may be slightlyregistry softwaredifferent if it is a different OS version. Desktop Graphics Bothregistry software reviewsWindows and Macintosh systems are based on Graphical User Interface or GUI, which simply means that the interface uses graphics or pictures to help the user navigate and access programs. When you first turn on a new computer, most of the screen will be plain blue or blue with a logo or design. This background graphic is called Wallpaper. It is essentially a backdrop for your work area. The graphic can be changed to a different pattern or even a photo or picture by accessing "Display" in the Control Panel.






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