These shoes are part of a movement of barefoot athletes. Here is their argument: If we were given great feet and are meant to walk around barefoot,lancel handbags, then why do we wear shoes with padded soles and raised heals?

Shoes were originally made to protect the feet from things on the ground that could hurt us. Thousands of years later,louboutin boots, we have shoes that now alter the way our feet grow, change our posture and sometimes cause permanent damage. It just doesn’t make sense. I liken it to buying a Car but equipping it with the wrong tires. Wrong tires on a car could very well lead to a crash down the road.

Vibram solves this problem by giving customers the barefoot experience while still protecting the foot. Their shoes are very thin with no padding whatsoever. Each toe is separated from the others. They say that this design strengthens many of the muscles, ligaments, etc. in the foot that have become weak due to shoe wearing and scientific studies agree. The separated toes also reduce foot odor and prevent athlete’s foot.