

  • 财富分配求人不如求神

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-03-19 17:36:50

    财富分配求人不如求神 财富分配求人不如求神 “目前的收入分配调整政策就像农村的笨媳妇,面多了掺水,水多了掺面,最后直流高压发生器就都糊了。现在有些单位不是按劳分配,不是按资分配,而是‘按胆分配’#...

  • New Chile president vows to rebuild

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-03-17 11:07:36

    New Chile president vows to rebuild New Chile president vows to rebuild Chile's newly sworn-in president has vowed to help rebuild the earthquake-devastated country. "We are going, all tog...

  • UAlbany NanoCollege Receives NYSERDA Funding for Energy-Storage Technology Proje

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-03-16 11:12:25

    UAlbany NanoCollege Receives NYSERDA Funding for Energy-Storage Technology Project UAlbany NanoCollege Receives NYSERDA Funding for Energy-Storage Technology Project The New York State Energy R...

  • Apple's First iPad Commercial Stresses Ease Of Use

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-03-10 12:04:54

    Apple's First iPad Commercial Stresses Ease Of Use Apple's First iPad Commercial Stresses Ease Of Use Apple (NSDQ:AAPL) aired its first iPad advertisement Traffic barriersduring the 2010 Acad...

  • 中国的情人节

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-03-09 08:52:21

    中国的情人节 中国的情人节 2010年2月28日是元宵节、同时巧合的还是中国#x的情人节—青岛婚纱工作室 元宵节,更是南山广汽丰田大兴通商店的传统节目:车友情人节。更巧的是: 2010.2.28这个日子,蕴藏了爱情密...

  • I have not seen real snow does. Zhangjiajie

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-03-08 10:13:57

    Snow, for the love of my photography is a good thing, because I have not seen real snow does. Zhangjiajie already heard how the snow is how the United States, how this year can not be missed, I was...

  • his arms and gave the men a long

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-24 15:42:44

    his arms and gave the men a long his arms and gave the men a long Rose begged him to think of a plan, and Teaching apparatus the #x doctor thought hard for a few minutes, frowning fiercely. At ...

  • even the expression was the same

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-23 12:21:30

    even the expression was the same even the expression was the same 'No, no. Not in the least,中小企业国际市场开拓资金, 'he replied. The #x n he High pressure sodium bulb turned to the housekeepe...

  • These three soldiers will take you to Paris

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-19 00:18:41

    These three soldiers will take you to Paris These three soldiers will take you to Paris Just at that moment a bank clerk put an old, unopened letter on Mr Lorry's deskDiamond blades, and Darnay...

  • 寻觅知音:孔子其实离我们很近

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-16 16:15:16

    寻觅知音:孔子其实离我们很近 寻觅知音:孔子其实离我们很近 电影《孔子》希望得到的沟通,是通过发生在圣人氧化锌避雷器测试仪身上的故事,来启迪今天因为过分物化而显得浮躁的社会,那些彷徨中迷失了信仰,...




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