

  • Midsummer Festival Guide - aion gold

    john88607 发表于 2010-08-02 15:50:50

    The Midsummer Fire Festival is a seasonal holiday in World of Warcraft that celebrates the Summer Solstice. It runs two weeks, starting on June 21st and ending on July 5th. The event has players ju...

  • Orgrimmar Gets a Makeover - christian

    sean41263 发表于 2010-07-30 14:56:56

    Like most other things though, Cataclysm promises to change all that. Not only will the Horde be gaining a new Warcheif in Thrall’s place, but Orgrimmar itself will also be getting a facelift...

  • Un Cataclisma di Quest - aion gold

    john24087 发表于 2010-07-30 14:46:35

    Che Cataclysm fosse un'espansione concepita per stravolgere Azeroth si sapeva, è proprio questo il cavallo di battaglia usato nike shoes Blizzard per promuoverla, e non erano mancati an...

  • Die Welt Reforging und mehr - aion kinah

    john88607 发表于 2010-07-30 14:46:30

    Immer mehr Berichte und Interviews im Rahmen des US-Presse-Events (wir berichteten) tauchen in den Weiten des Internets auf und verraten stetig mehr Details zu World of WarCraft: Cataclysm. Nachdem...

  • Tutte tranne Blood Elf - tiffany jewelry

    john29437 发表于 2010-07-30 14:46:24

    Il Warrior Protection è definito anche “Tank” ed è considerato necessario in qualsiasi istance/raid si voglia fare. Infatti il tank è colui che prende danni mantene...

  • The Guild Paradox - aion gold

    marko69018 发表于 2010-07-30 14:34:27

    Anti-social, loner, hermit and recluse are all words that are stereotypically placed on gamers. I myself have been on the receiving end of a few of these jibes. I usually just smile and shake my he...

  • Resumen de la informacion sobre - cheap wow gold

    john88607 发表于 2010-07-26 15:55:33

    Hace unos días una verdadera “avalancha” de información se dio cuando Blizzard invito a varios fansites (entre ellos uno de los miembros del equipo de Guias) y sitios web ...

  • Les héros de Cataclysm - world of warcraft gold

    marko69018 发表于 2010-07-26 15:44:52

    Cataclysm fera faire un grand bond en avant à l’histoire de l’univers de Warcraft. Le retour d’Aile de mort a modifié le monde aion gold à tout jamais, e...

  • Corazón de Burbuja - buy wow gold

    john88607 发表于 2010-07-23 14:45:21

    Los paladines se conocen de forma icónica como guerreros de la Luz. Están imbuídos del bien cuando marchan a la batalla contra el mal y están dedicados a proteger a los ...

  • Cataclysm Grim Batol - aion gold

    john24087 发表于 2010-07-19 16:54:09

    Mit World of WarCraft: Cataclysm wird das bisher verschlossene "Grim Batol" geöffnet. Spieler der Stufe 85 werden im Schattenhochland vom roten Drachenschwarm zu den Waffen gerufen u...




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