

  • asked Heathcliff

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-03-01 15:52:20

    asked Heathcliff,Travel qingdao asked Heathcliff ‘What do you mean?’asked Heathcliff,Construction Machinery looking suddenly very interested.‘Ghosts,you say?’ ‘That little girl,C...

  • the Dodger began looking through the books

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-23 15:29:11

    the Dodger began looking through the books the Dodger began looking through the books 'That'll do him good! 'shouted some #x of the crowd. 'Fingerprint access control It's the only way to treat...

  • people will be in trouble

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-23 12:20:32

    people will be in trouble people will be in trouble 'Very likely, 'said Bill Compact fluorescent lamp Sikes, smiling #x unkindly. 'You'vegot problems, Fagin. ' 'And I'm afraid, 'added Fagin,...

  • not even during the long wait for

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-22 12:47:18

    not even during the long wait for not even during the long wait for They returned the next day with the coffin #x and four hydraulic power units men from the workhouse who were to carry it.The...

  • Miss Pross is my sister

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-19 00:18:41

    Miss Pross is my sister Miss Pross is my sister Barsad had more problems than Carton knewDiamond Core Bits. He could not return to England because he was wanted by the police there. And in Fran...

  • 你属于哪种网民

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-17 19:13:29

    你属于哪种网民 你属于哪种网民 QQ等级,就能知道你属于哪种网民! QQ的等级除了一个太阳可以上传头像建两个群直流电阻测试仪之外,基本没有什么其他的作用了!但是它可以证明你是什么级等网民.   ...

  • 并没有完全沦为迎合政治仓促而就的产物

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-16 16:16:42

    《风声》在故事上更有诚意 并没有完全沦为迎合政治仓促而就的产物 至今我都还没看《建国大业》,对于这部形式微机继电保护测试仪大于内容的电影,总提不起太大兴趣,或许我会看的,当我真的很闲时,但现在手边...

  • 什么叫男朋友什么叫女朋友

    kfdir175 发表于 2010-02-14 12:46:26

    什么叫男朋友什么叫女朋友 什么叫男朋友什么叫女朋友 女朋友就是在你生气时千方百计逗你高兴,为了你开心宁可做一切她本做不来的事的那个人 女朋友就是把你的承诺刻翻译公司在心里,口仍是满腹幽地不停追问你...

  • 好记的网名

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-11 11:35:52

    1.善解人衣(一字之差就由好同志变成了不良青年)   2.粑粑(这人居心不良,用智能的一不小心就会打成“爸爸”)   3.第49次戒烟失败(我看你也别继续戒下去了,浪费时间和表情)   4.梅川酷子(把中文同音...

  • he was ill

    ibywx706 发表于 2010-02-09 14:20:14

    he was ill he was ill When they reached Dawson,Travel qingdao, the dogs were tired,canvas bag and needed a week's rest But in two days they were moving south again, with another heavy load o...




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