  • PHProxy - Anonymizing PHP Web Proxy
    添加人:干海棠 时间:2007-06-08 16:42:17 已有 135 人点击, 6 人评论
    著名的网络代理软件,通过PHP实现在线代理的功能,外国人的思维力量值得我们学习。 PHProxy 0.5 Beta Released The 0.5 beta is finally released. Refer to the Change Log attached with the download for changes. Please note that cookie managment has not been implemeted yet in the beta, but this shouldn't be a big issue. Valuable information is also provided in the README.txt, and the Bugs and Limitations section is especially useful. Please experiment with this release and report bugs and feedback to phproxy.support at gmail. Thank you for your continuous support.